Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rise, Fall, and Rise

Becoming cool requires self-assurance. You can't care what other people think. Just do your thing. If you have enough magnetism deep down, people will dig what you do. Act like a nut. Act like you don't care if your actions will win you friends. Pretty soon, if you're anything like me, you'll start building an Empire of Good Will.

What happens after you've achieved this sort of enlightened state? People start admiring your lifestyle. They become your friends in droves. Everyone is so taken with your carefree attitude, they talk about your exploits when you're not around. You become a standard bearer. As Ben Folds said, "You wanted revolution. Now you're the institution." Now there's no room for those accidental geek moments anymore. You must exude cool 24 hours a day.

You can't. No one is that good. Moreover, once you are entrapped by all the eyes looking at you, once you are striving to maintain the image they want to see, you crumble from within. You're just a shell of that carefree kid that everyone first began to adore. Sure, it may still look good on the outside, but they start to have their doubts about you. So, you quit your job and visit many of them personally, wherever they may be. You regain some of that original magnetism. The day is saved.

Carpe diem!

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