Monday, June 17, 2013

Video 2 is here to dispel the myth of video 1 that it is a hip problem due to the apparent displacement of the knee. I hope it further emphasizes that this is not a MS problem. I start with my knees neutral in the recliner and try with all the strength and nerves I have to turn the right leg parallel to the left, but that right ankle's improper leanings swing everything right back. This is clear and obvious.

Video 3 (excuse the hairy pot-belly) is here to show that my hips and torso can exist and function in proper relation to my knee, which looked really off in the first video. Now, we can see that the problem is due to an improper knee/ankle relation.

The objections are first that it is MS, but this is physiological. The physiological problem was caused by a lack of mobility due to MS and was not fixed correctly because of MS and the hip problem, but that is no excuse for not fixing it now. The hip problem came about in 2007 as a result of MS and a knee brace worn for too long, and also brought about a lack of stability so that the ankle could not heal correctly and wound up healing with such an inward bent. None of these change the fact that there is a physiological problem with my ankle that is rendering me incapable or walking. I will press doctors to fix this ankle and threaten to cut it off if they say that nothing can be done.

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